Yummy Market CEO Alexei Tsvetkov took part in the all-star retail panel at the annual Grocery Innovations Canada conference hosted by the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers (CFIG) in Toronto. Grocery business leaders, including Darrell Jones, president of Overwaitea Food Group and Jeff York, CEO of Farm Boy, as well as manufacturers converged to discuss key consumer trends driving their businesses going forward. Moderated by Tom Barlow, CEO of the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers, the all-star panel discussed major changes observed such as an increase in ethnic consumers, a shift towards local, natural and diet-specific foods, and an ever-growing focus on Home Meal Replacement (HMR) in-store offerings.
“I don’t like to refer to our prepared foods as Home Meal Replacement. Our in-store Chefs make fresh, home-style dishes from scratch for every day,” said Tsvetkov as he was speaking about Yummy’s take on HMR. With over 750 rotating chef-prepared European and international dishes, Yummy Market’s many European, Eastern European and mainstream customers, including adventurous foodies, enjoy home-quality prepared foods seven days a week.
The winner of the 2014 National Bronze Award in the Specialty Category at the annual Canadian Independent Grocer of the Year awards, Yummy Market was invited to the all-star grocery retail panel as an expert on the ethnic consumer. The grocer’s focus on its chef-prepared foods, in-store baked breads, cakes and pastries, along with its unsurpassed imported product selections, appeals to the new consumer’s craving for variety, quality and freshness.