Pumpkins for SickKids
We are proud to support SickKids in the fight for children’s health by donating pumpkins for their annual pumpkin carving contest.
We are proud to support SickKids in the fight for children’s health by donating pumpkins for their annual pumpkin carving contest.
Each year, Salvation Army officers have a graduation ceremony called Commissioning. These officers go on to support the 1.9 million people The Salvation Army helps in their shelters, food banks and other programs every year.
On June 4, 2018, Jean Vanier Catholic High School in Richmond Hill hosted the York Catholic District School Board Special Olympics Track and Field event for high school students with special needs. It was a day of excitement, inclusivity and celebration.
On Dec. 27, many Russians go to Walmart or Ikea to buy their trees, at a 90 per cent discount. They start planning their menus for New Year’s Eve and head to Yummy Market to …
Yummy Market supports this year’s International Food Festival with a gift of 100 servings of cabbage rolls, potatoes and blinis. Mackenzie Health volunteers served hundreds of meals to Mackenzie Health staff as part of their annual fundraising efforts again this year.
Yummy Market was recently invited to the YMCA Employer Recognition Event hosted by the YMCA of Greater Toronto. Their Employment programs offer assistance, service and support for job seekers, whether they be adults, students, or newcomers in 15 sites across the City of Toronto and the Regions of Peel, York and Durham.
The two take regular field trips to the burbs to buy specialty items for menu research: recent pilgrimages have included Starsky Foods in Mississauga and Yummy Market in North York. Continue reading
Ruskoka camp, a registered charity and summer camp in the Muskokas, offers hundreds of underprivileged children the opportunity to attend summer camp every year. These children need help as their parents are unable to afford camp fees.
We are happy to present this cheque to the SickKids Foundation this year. Thank you to all who purchased a pumpkin in support of our annual SickKids fundraising campaign. The money raised will go towards …
The “Citrus of the North” is off the charts in Vitamins A and C (eat just eight berries a day!) and rich in antioxidants. Continue reading